Autumn Springs Atascocita

Assisted Living and Memory Care

Around the Clock Support

Atascocita residents can access 24/7 ADL support and memory care as needed to nurture their physical and emotional well-being.

Adapted Facilities

Our Atascocita senior care home is thoughtfully adapted to support residents with a range of cognitive and mobility needs without sacrificing the warmth and comfort of a home. The home is fully ADA compliant with accessible ramps.

Family-Oriented Values

As a family-led organization, everything we do is motivated by a simple desire to provide a senior care experience we would want for our own loved ones.

The Care You Deserve

Many seniors become less able to live independently in their homes at some point during retirement. Seniors and family caregivers often worry about the prospect of a move to assisted living, with shared concerns revolving around lack of independence, poor senior care, and the potential of a cold and clinical experience. As a family-owned and run organization, Autumn Springs is dedicated to providing senior care that feels like home and indeed improves the lives of both seniors and family caregivers. Having seen the impact of sub-par senior care on our beloved family members, we’re driven to change the experience of future Texas seniors and their families.

Join a community of neighbors that love the residents at Autumn Springs. Our staff is comprised of multiple neighbors who live in walking distance of our home. And despite being just a stone’s throw from Houston, Atasca Woods is a small, peaceful community. Situated in a friendly neighborhood surrounded by natural beauty, Autumn Springs at Atascocita is the perfect city to retire to. 


Everyone deserves compassionate and loving senior care that supports the whole family’s well-being. Located in the friendly and scenic community of Atasca Woods, Autumn Springs’ Atascocita residence boasts four private and three semi-private rooms. In this home, a small group of seniors receive dignified personal care, ADL assistance, and memory care as needed. Expert caregivers are available morning, noon, and night to support residents practically, socially, and emotionally. While living in our Atascocita home, seniors enjoy nutrient-rich and delicious meals daily and can benefit from various physically, socially, and intellectually stimulating activities.

Assisted Living

Our hand-picked caregivers provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) for our residents. ADLs encompass fundamental tasks from bathing to housekeeping, and more.

Extended Care

Compassion and understanding are so important in palliative and end-of-life care. We partner with trusted hospice, palliative, and home health companies to provide the type of care for your loved one that we wish we had for our mom.


Autumn Springs at Atascocita offers short stays for people who may be needing a transitional care between rehab and home, and to families who may need a temporary break from caregiving. 

Expert Memory Care

We’re thrilled to be able to offer quality memory care in Atascocita. Delivered by highly trained caregivers, residents are empowered to live with dignity and purpose for an improved quality of life.

1:5 Caregiver Ratio

State Certified Caregivers

RN Administrator on Staff

Wifi & Cable Included

Fully Furnished

Rooms starting at $4500 / month

Atasca Woods

7105 Hot Creek Trace
Humble, TX 77346

ADA Compliant home


Gail Peterson

My mother’s care has been exceptional. Mesha’s team of care givers loves each of their residents. It shows each time I visit.

Review taken from Google.

Cory Lawson

Our mom was immediately welcomed as part of the family and I was never concerned that she would be ignored.

Review taken from Google.

John Bailey

from Help for my Parents

This community is by far one of the best I’ve been in. Very attentive to the residents and the staff always goes above and beyond expectations. Well done!

Review taken from Google.

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