Senior Living Services in Atascocita TX

Tailored Senior Care to Meet Individual Needs

Autumn Springs residents in Atascocita can receive senior care from our expert staff and trusted partners. Offering everything from assisted living to temporary respite, specialist hospice, and certified memory care. A community of friendly residents and a network of professionals can provide excellent continuity of care as a senior’s needs change throughout their stay in our home.

Assisted Living


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The physical, emotional, and social consequences of being unable to complete Activities of Daily Living can quickly and drastically reduce a senior’s quality of life. At Autumn Springs Atascocita, residents can receive attentive support with Activities of Daily Living delivered at a level matched to their abilities. Highly trained caregivers are available around the clock to offer tailored assistance that allows seniors to stay as independent as possible. With a combination of specially adapted facilities and trustworthy caregivers, residents are empowered to live a fulfilling lifestyle and rediscover the quality of life they deserve.

Extended CarE OPTIONS


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Hospice care aims to maximize comfort and feelings of peace for individuals nearing the end of their life with specialist medical, spiritual, and emotional support. We care deeply about each of our residents, which is why it’s important to us that they have the option to age in place at our beautiful Atascocita home. With the support of trusted local hospice providers, our residents can remain settled in the home they know, receiving all the care they need without having to move.

Respite Care

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Respite care is popular for family caregivers struggling to support a senior relative alone, perhaps neglecting other responsibilities and relationships to meet their needs. While it’s common to feel apprehensive about the prospect of introducing respite care, refreshed family caregivers are much better equipped to take good care of a senior. Respite care can allow family caregivers to make healthier choices and maintain a positive life balance. With flexible support based on a family’s unique situation and needs, stays can vary from days to weeks as a one-off service or part of a senior’s routine. At Autumn Springs’ Atascocita home, seniors can receive quality respite care from our trusted professional caregivers and senior care partners.

Specialist Memory Care

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At our Atascocita home, we deliver dignified and respectful memory care suitable for residents with a range of neurocognitive conditions. We’re proud to be able to offer quality memory care at our Atascocita Autumn Springs residence. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia affect the whole family, and planning for the future can be daunting for seniors and family caregivers. As a condition as Alzheimer’s disease progresses, residential memory care can serve as a lifeline for seniors and those who love them most. With quality care, seniors with dementia can continue to live a fulfilling life, while family caregivers can focus on making beautiful memories with their loved ones.

Assisted Living


The physical, emotional, and social consequences of being unable to complete Activities of Daily Living can quickly and drastically reduce a senior’s quality of life. At Autumn Springs Atascocita, residents can receive attentive support with Activities of Daily Living delivered at a level matched to their abilities. Highly trained caregivers are available around the clock to offer tailored assistance that allows seniors to stay as independent as possible. With a combination of specially adapted facilities and trustworthy caregivers, residents are empowered to live a fulfilling lifestyle and rediscover the quality of life they deserve.



Hospice care aims to maximize comfort and feelings of peace for individuals nearing the end of their life with specialist medical, spiritual, and emotional support. We care deeply about each of our residents, which is why it’s important to us that they have the option to age in place at our beautiful Atascocita home. With the support of trusted local hospice providers, our residents can remain settled in the home they know, receiving all the care they need without having to move.

Respite Care


Respite care is popular for family caregivers struggling to support a senior relative alone, perhaps neglecting other responsibilities and relationships to meet their needs. While it’s common to feel apprehensive about the prospect of introducing respite care, refreshed family caregivers are much better equipped to take good care of a senior. Respite care can allow family caregivers to make healthier choices and maintain a positive life balance. With flexible support based on a family’s unique situation and needs, stays can vary from days to weeks as a one-off service or part of a senior’s routine. At Autumn Springs’ Atascocita home, seniors can receive quality respite care from our trusted professional caregivers and senior care partners.

Specialist memory care


At our Atascocita home, we deliver dignified and respectful memory care suitable for residents with a range of neurocognitive conditions. We’re proud to be able to offer quality memory care at our Atascocita Autumn Springs residence. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia affect the whole family, and planning for the future can be daunting for seniors and family caregivers. As a condition as Alzheimer’s disease progresses, residential memory care can serve as a lifeline for seniors and those who love them most. With quality care, seniors with dementia can continue to live a fulfilling life, while family caregivers can focus on making beautiful memories with their loved ones.